Managed Identity

 Managed Identity:

    Managed identity is used to eliminate the need for maintaining the credentials like keys, secrets, certificates etc.

Managed identity provides an automatically managed identity in Microsoft Entra ID for applications to use when connecting to resources that support Microsoft Entra authentication.

Benefits of using managed Identities:

1. No need to manage credentials and not even accessible to us

2. can use MI to authenticate to any resource that supports MS Entra autehntication

3. NO extra cost


1. System Assigned

    a. created as part of an azure resource

    b. Share life cycle with azure resources that the MI is created with. 

    c. Can't be shared with other resources

2. User-Assigned

    a. created as a stand alone azure resource

    b. Independent life cycle

    c. can be shared with other resources

Use cases:

System-assigned - Workloads contained within a single azure resource. Workloads needing independent identities. For eg: application that runs on a single virtual machine

User-assigned: Workload that run on a multiple resources and can share a single identity. Workloads where resources are recycled frequently but permission should stay consistent. For example, a workload where multiple virtual machines need to access the same resources.

When managed identity is created, a service principal is created in the MS Entra ID.

How to use:

You can use managed identities by following the steps below:

  1. Create a managed identity in Azure. You can choose between system-assigned managed identity or user-assigned managed identity.
    1. When using a user-assigned managed identity, you assign the managed identity to the "source" Azure Resource, such as a Virtual Machine, Azure Logic App or an Azure Web App.
  2. Authorize the managed identity to have access to the "target" service.
  3. Use the managed identity to access a resource. In this step, you can use the Azure SDK with the Azure.Identity library. Some "source" resources offer connectors that know how to use Managed identities for the connections. In that case, you use the identity as a feature of that "source" resource.


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