On-premise Database to Azure Database using DMA (Data Migration Assistant)

Database Migration:

In this exercise, we are going to see how to migrate on-premise SQl DB to Azure SQL DB

Azure Migrate:

Create Azure Migrate project for Databases only.

Onprem DB:

Name of the on-premise DB is ‘OnpremDB’

‘MigratefromOnprem’ is the Azure SQL Database.


Install Data Migration Assistant on On-prem server which has full access to SQL DB server. DMA tool helps to conduct the assessment to check the dependency and compatibility. Once done we can run the migration.

Create a Project:

Check DB compatibility and Feature parity for an assessment

Add source DB for an assessment

Once assessment is done, upload the assessment to Azure Migrate Project  Onprem2AzureSQL’

Assessment is now reflected in Azure Migrate project


Create Migration project in DMA:

Configure Source and Target SQL DB details

Select the target DB where the Source DB will migrate to

Select the Source Object to Migrate and generate SQL script

Script is ready and need to deploy Schema


Schema is deployed and it’s time to migrate

Select the Source DB name to migrate

Migration is successful.

Onprem DB’s table is now visible in Azure DB



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