
Showing posts from January, 2024

Managed Identity

 Managed Identity:     Managed identity is used to eliminate the need for maintaining the credentials like keys, secrets, certificates etc. Managed identity provides an automatically managed identity in Microsoft Entra ID for applications to use when connecting to resources that support Microsoft Entra authentication. Benefits of using managed Identities: 1. No need to manage credentials and not even accessible to us 2. can use MI to authenticate to any resource that supports MS Entra autehntication 3. NO extra cost Types: 1. System Assigned     a. created as part of an azure resource     b. Share life cycle with azure resources that the MI is created with.      c. Can't be shared with other resources 2. User-Assigned     a. created as a stand alone azure resource       b. Independent life cycle     c. can be shared with other resources Use cases: System-assigned - Workloads contained within a sing...